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Persistence in the Pursuit of Success


By: S.C. Ali


“Never, never, never give up.” These simple yet powerful words by the great Winston Churchill resonate with us all. They are also the embodiment of persistence. Persistence is a distinct personality trait, which is defined by Merriam Webster as, “the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people”.

Persistence is an extremely important factor in success. The concept of success is highly subjective in nature, and can be applied to different circumstances. Whether the success is professional, personal, social, academic, spiritual, or anything in between, persistence is paramount. Regardless, history has proven time and time again that a common thread in pursuing success is: persistence.

Thomas Edison, one of the most prolific inventors of the last 150 years, was subjected to humor as a child in school because his mind often wandered. However, his mother was instrumental in educating him to become one of the greatest inventors. In fact, many of the electronic devices that we use today are in large part due to evolution of Edison’s inventions. He famously quipped, “Genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” In other words, the determination and will to move forward regardless of hardship is what will drive you to success.

Aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart is another quintessential example of persistence. When she discovered her passion for flying after being flown in a plane by aviator Frank Hawks, she stayed affixed on her goal to become a great pilot. Because flying lessons were expensive, she worked multiple jobs. According to aviationhistory.org, she worked as a, “photographer, truck driver, and stenographer at the local telephone company” in order to afford the lessons. Because airplanes were a novel means of transportation in the 1920s, it involved intense training. However, Earhart persisted and eventually became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

How can persistence be implemented in your life? The first step involves proper goal setting. This is done through careful planning. Please see my New Year’s Resolution article for more details. After composing a specific list of goals and the steps to reach them, it is important to evaluate yourself frequently to monitor your progress. Persistence will play a part in the execution of your goals. In addition, you must expect difficulties in order to succeed. Steve Harvey has said, “The road to success is always under construction.” This is very true, because part of the journey is to struggle. Here are some tips to persist:

  1. Have a good support system. This is essential to pursue success via persistence. Whether it is a group of people or one loved one, nobody does it alone. Looking at the aforementioned examples, Thomas Edison had his mother, and Amelia Earhart had her parents. When the difficulties arise, discuss them with your confidants.

  2. Do not sidestep the issue. One of the most common reactions when facing a difficulty in pursuit of one’s goal is to ignore the difficulty and find alternatives. Ignoring the issue at hand will only make things worse. Have the courage to face the difficulty head on.

  3. Never give up. Again, we come back to the fundamental concept implemented by Winston Churchill. When the going gets tough, remember the big goal. Personally, I find writing the major goals on a piece of paper helpful. When facing a difficulty, I refer back to that paper. Seeing it written on paper rather than just thinking about it does make a difference.

In essence, persistence is critical for success. No matter what goal you aspire to, there will always be challenges. However, what will make you different and allow you to be successful is how you deal with the challenges and move forward. In fact, the most successful people of the past and present have probably faced the greatest challenges at some point. Now is the time to implement my suggestions for yourself. In addition, read about successful figures in history, see how they pursued success, and implement the techniques. By doing so, you will live a happy and fulfilling life.

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