Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Quick Update!

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone has been doing well, and you are enjoying the high quality content we strive to output.

In case you all haven’t already noticed, we are limiting our posts to once a week in order to ensure consistency and fluidity. In addition, it makes it easier for you, the readers, to keep up to date with everything.

All of the writers are going to be pursuing graduate education starting this Fall. As a result, we won’t be able to write as frequently as before. However, Bronze Lifestyle will stay active for you to spread the word to your family, friends, and followers. The site is always up 24/7 for your perusal. We hope you all enjoy the wide variety of topics we have to offer.

Thank you for your readership!

S.C. Ali



Welcome everyone to Bronze Lifestyle! This blog was influenced by the protagonist Charles Bronze of S.C. Ali’s The Bronze Treasures. There are multiple goals that the team of Bronze Lifestyle would like to accomplish (listed in order of priority):

  • Discuss important current topics in health and nutrition
  • Serve as a medium to promote S.C. Ali’s The Bronze Treasures
  • Provide reviews in the arts which include but are not limited to: books, films, and music

We are eager to hear your feedback! If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to fill out the form in the “Contact Us” link on the left side. Thank you all for your readership!

Bronze Lifestyle Team