Daily Archives: May 20, 2015

Stubbornness: Can it be a Good Thing?


By: S.C. Ali


When we use the term stubbornness, we often use it in a negative context. According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition is, “unreasonably or perversely unyielding” or “justifiably unyielding.” I was speaking to a family member recently, and they told me that stubbornness doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad quality. I pondered on this matter for a while, and realized something quite profound.

Based on the definition provided, it could be used in a positive way. Some of the most successful people in history have had a channeled stubbornness about them that drove them to achieve their goals. As a matter of fact, there are modern day examples of people (such as Warren Buffet) who are fixed in their ways and are successful. For example, it is well known that Mr. Buffet refuses to invest in technology, which is explained in more detail here.

We use stubbornness in a negative context primarily because it describes someone who has a dogged determination even though they are presented with a valid argument. This does hold true in many contexts, but not when it comes to innovation. One of my favorite examples of success in history is Thomas A. Edison. His teacher from primary school often implied that he was challenged, but that was only because Edison’s mind kept wandering. The teacher used his experience to indicate that Edison couldn’t succeed due to this tendency. Moreover, once he started to work as a telegrapher, he became so engrossed in reading/experimenting that an accident involving a lead-acid battery cost him his job. However, despite this situation (not to mention that he was impoverished) he had a “stubborn” determination to innovate by thinking outside the box. His first of many patents was in 1869, the electric vote recorder. In addition, he used his skills in entrepreneurship to form one of the largest publicly traded companies worldwide, General Electric.

In essence, we can use stubbornness to our advantage. Although it is typically associated with someone who is unyielding in a negative fashion, controlled stubbornness is a great quality that can drive you to success. One of the hardest parts of goal making is keeping the goal. If you are “stubborn” in up keeping your goals, it means you will do whatever it takes to achieve them. Sometimes, there will be individuals who tell you that it’s not possible, or deter you. It is in these cases where the fiery passion in stubbornness truly shines for the best. The key is to surround yourselves with people who will encourage rather than discourage you. Therefore, use stubbornness to your advantage to plow through difficulties and dream big. As Will Smith famously quipped in the 2006 film The Pursuit of Happyness, “Don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something.”

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