The Blitman Anthology: A Review and Interview

Blitman Anthology Cover

By: S.C. Ali


When I found out during my senior year in college that my comrade, Andrew Blitman, published his debut book, I was ecstatic. Andrew was always the philosophical thinker, someone who can take everyday matters and look at them from a creative and unique perspective. After two years, Andrew decided to publish an anthology of his works this past October. I knew it would be special, because it would be the first time where all of his literary pieces were carefully assembled in one book. As I expected, he did not disappoint.

The Blitman Anthology gives us an insight into Mr. Blitman’s view of important principles such as integrity and love, and poems that use metaphors of nature in order to make sweeping statements about life. In addition, he explores more controversial subjects like religion and politics, but he executes them in a manner that allows him to make general observations for the greater good. As a personal friend of Andrew’s, it does give me a deeper understanding into his particular inspiration for certain pieces. However, even if you don’t know him, this book tactfully covers a lot of ground that many individuals can benefit from.

The lexicon and syntax of the book are impressive. It can be easily detected that Andrew is erudite, and his manner of writing is much more mature than a typical graduate school alum. It is evident that this book required many years of contemplation and observation, and the results are fruitful.

My overall impression of the book was excellent. I am still overwhelmed at how Andrew is able to use such a wide variety of sources to make significant points. I would highly encourage either current college students or recent college graduates to pick up a copy for themselves. It has great potential to empower others to make a positive change in the world. It is a book that I recommend all to read despite its Millenial focus.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Andrew for a one-on-one interview about his piece.

SC: What was your inspiration for writing in general? How old were you when you started writing? Did you ever intend your work to be read by the masses?

AB: My inspiration for writing sprung from an intense desire to be acknowledged and respected. I was fortunate to have developed an affinity for the written word at an early age. As a result of my heavy introspection, it was relatively easy to translate my emotions into writing. Through self-expression, I managed to transcend negativity and reinforce positivity that permeated my internal and external circumstances.

I remember teaching myself how to write cursive in the first or second grade (at around the age of 6 or 7). As far as real content is concerned, I did not create any substantial literature until my senior year of high school, when I won a haiku contest. However, I did not intend to share my work until my senior year of college because I wanted to ensure that the content was palpable for a broad audience.

SC: Why did you feel it necessary to pen The Blitman Anthology in particular?

AB: The Blitman Anthology represents my personal ascendance to the world of the living. It is the culmination of some struggles that happened early on in life. It contains the truths I learned from introspection and the observation of others. It addresses my insight into some hypocrisies that plagued my personal life and my college experience, as well as many of those that continuously threaten our society as a whole. I also call out the flaws in human nature that must be corrected before these problems can be fixed. Then, I suggest certain principles that can be used to move forward.

SC: What was the creative process in going from an idea to publication? Why did you decide to independently publish?

AB: The creative process was really simple for me. I have written a lot of content since high school, so the next logical step was to compile it into a comprehensive work. However, I got the push to publish from a roommate during my senior year of college.

I decided to publish independently because I could not afford an agent; I also wanted control over my copyright and the content under my name.

SC: Was there any specific focus in mind when writing The Blitman Anthology?

AB: I wrote The Blitman Anthology as my gift to humanity. I hope my insights will provoke necessary dialogue about the double-standards that undermine human existence.

SC: Most writers are a ‘specialist’ in one field or topic. However, I’ve noticed that you have a unique ability to extrapolate from multiple sources to make one salient point. What is your strategy, and how do you go about writing all-encompassing material?

AB: While I do not really have a strategy, I do have a philosophy about writing that applies to education and writing in general – we live in a cosmopolitan world that requires interdisciplinary thinking. Everything in life is multifactorial – that is, has many sources, causes, and relationships with other things – and must be treated as part of a more complicated whole. Once I understood this truth, I gained the ability to identify, explain, and simplify complex concepts in logical terms. That is the secret to being a good person and an even better writer.

SC: Was there a particular intended audience?

AB: While I wrote this book largely for myself (to prove that I could do it), I also wrote this for Millennials like me, who could relate to the overall message of the anthology.

SC: Are you considering a sequel?

AB: Yes; I just need to write it first.

SC: Will you continue writing in this genre, or are you considering something a little different?

AB: Well, I do want to write a novel someday. I just need to find the time and motivation to make it come sooner rather than later.

SC: What are your goals for this book?

AB: I want The Blitman Anthology to become a bestseller. I also want it to get picked up by a major publisher so that its message can be shared around the world.

Thanks again to Mr. Andrew Blitman for the opportunity. Feel free to check out his book here:

Overall Rating: 5/5

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